Listen to Kenn's recent interview with Carolyn Kiel
Systemic Constellation Workshop

Our deepest relationships — with parents, husbands and wives, children and others — can provide profound support in our lives. However, hidden dynamics within these relationships often produce obstacles that keep us from being able to feel the positive effects of that support. Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) is a powerful tool for bringing these hidden dynamics to light and removing the obstacles, leading to a greater flow of love, strength and support through all our relations.
SCW is an experiential process, working at a deeper level than conventional psychotherapy. Bert Hellinger, the founder of SCW, often describes working at the level of the soul. This means that the impact of this work can be both more immediate and more lasting than techniques which address the mind alone.
The cost is $150 - discounted to $100, if paid by Sept 1.
The workshop will be held at the offices of Body & Soul, Sat. September 14 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM with a lunch break.
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